Friday, February 5, 2021

February 5 Update

Happy Friday, Distance Learning Team!

Stop what you are doing and read this picture below.   After you are done, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are ENOUGH.  In life (and this work) we can get caught up on everything we aren't doing.  Take a few minutes this morning to reflect and celebrate that you are enough and are appreciated!  

We have family-teacher conferences coming soon (note it's "family" and not "parent" - many of our families live with a non-parent who supports their learning).  With conferences coming, take some time at your team to discuss your format for conferences.  As you do this, think about what information, message, or mindset you would want if you were in the seat of a family member.  We can often spend time discussing the report card- but does this tell us enough?  Does this tell us about the student as a person?  Does this tell us about any goal setting you have done?  Student strengths?  

I challenge you to think through this process and challenge yourself.  Think about the last time you were at the doctor - were you more engaged and respected when the doctor listened to you?  Talked to you as a human?  Or, when they just read your chart to you?  Family-Teacher conferences are another great opportunity to build meaningful partnerships.  

Staffing for 21-22:
I've had some questions come up regarding staffing for next year.  The plan is to return you to your original site and position.  We know that each year, staffing is considered and this is not a 100% guarantee.   Like I said, we want to return people to their original positions - however, just like any other year, there is a small chance your assignment could change.   If you want your voice in this process, you can complete a letter for Chris Picha and your home principal requesting your position/assignment for next year.   If you have questions or want more information, come down and talk to me.  

Upcoming Events:
February 9 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm
February 12 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
February 15 - PLCs, 2:30-3:30pm
February 16 - Family-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3-7pm;  dinner provided by McKinley PTO for those who signed up! 
February 18 - Family-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3-7pm
February 19 - NO SCHOOL: Family-Teacher Conferences, 7:40-12:00pm

Have a great weekend - stay warm!

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