Friday, May 7, 2021

May 7 Update

 Happy Friday, Distance Learning Team!

I hope you had a great week and felt the appreciation from all.  Each of you have the role of an educator - there is no role that is greater than this.  Please know that your time, energy, and passion does not go unnoticed.  You are amazing!   

Please take some time today - or this weekend - to watch the video below.  It's well worth the watch!  

Happy Mothers's Day:
Happy Mother's Day to all the present and future mother's in the building!  You wear many "hats" during our day - teacher, wife, friend, mother.   I am always in admiration of the way you balance this - all while staying focused on others.  

Take some time this weekend to focus on YOU and enjoy those around you.  

May 11 - National “Eat What YOU Want To” Day!
Just a reminder of an event next week!
Today’s the day to forget about the scale and getting into those summer clothes!  We will have El Ray Del Taco food truck here over the lunch hour.  You will need to place your orders (that day) with the food truck as there are so many options for meals and/or toppings.

Intervention End Date:
Virtual interventions will end on Friday, May 28 for all of our scholars.  

Just a reminder that EID is next Thursday and Friday.  We will have many of our scholars not at school, as they will be celebrating with their family and friends.  

We will be having some community members on our north soccer field during EID.   The group will be be there from 6-10am, as the mosque is under construction.  

Upcoming Events: 
May 10 - 3rd -5th Grade Climate Survey should be given 
May 11 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm (CANCELLED) 
May 11 - "Eat What You Want To" Day - food truck here! 
May 12 - EID (we may have students absent who are celebrating)
May 12 - Happy Birthday, Jill Hukee! 
May 14 - CCT, 7:25am
May 19 - Wacky Day! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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