Friday, February 26, 2021

February 26 Update

Happy Friday! 

Exhausted Educator:
Let's face it, we know February is a hard time for educators.  And, people in general.  And, this year, we top February off with a pandemic.  I can feel the vibe - people, including myself, are exhausted.  

Please remember - it's alright to acknowledge you are exhausted.  It's also alright to take some time for you.  Go on a walk, do something you enjoy, call a friend who makes you laugh.  Heck, you might even do this mid-day!   

Also, read the quote below.  You are making a difference.  Our students feel a connection, care, and love.  And, that connection, care, and love can be for your colleagues, too.  We can find ourselves lost in the "to do list" and forget that we are making a difference - EVERY SINGLE DAY.  

They're Too Young to Talk About Race:
A huge thank you to Danielle Nystrom (Special Ed Teacher at McKinley) for sharing the image below...

As educators, we find ourselves in the trap of "They are too young to talk about race..." or "It's elementary, we teach love and don't see skin color."  This silence actually perpetuates racism.  We continue to send the message that race/skin color is something that should be silent and is not discussed.  I challenge you to monitor this over the next week - how many times could a conversation lead into race that you avoid (for whatever reason).   When this happens, do some self-reflection - why did you not facilitate the conversation?  

International Fun Day at Work (rescheduled): 
We are excited to announce our rescheduled 2021 International Fun Day at Work!  Below are some documents regarding this fun day.  Start brainstorming your dress and team!  :)
International Fun Day at Work Document
Order Form (Evan's Eatery Food Truck)

Upcoming Events:
March 1 - Professional Learning Community, 2:35pm
March 3- Staff COVID Testing
March 4 - MCA Test Monitor Training (3-5th Grade), 2-2:45pm (VIRTUAL)
March 5 - Child Collaboration Team Meeting, 7:25am
March 5 - 5th Grade Concerns Meeting, 12:10pm (rescheduled)
March 9 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm
March 10 - Happy Birthday, Steph Stolp!
March 12 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
March 15 - Happy Birthday, Annette Warner!
March 15 - PLCs, 2:35pm
March 17 - Staff COVID testing
March 18 - International Fun Day at Work (rescheduled) - start thinking of your outfit(s)! 
March 18 - End of 3rd Quarter
March 19 - NO SCHOOL (Teacher Workday)
March 22- 26 NO SCHOOL/Spring Break! 

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