Friday, February 12, 2021

February 12 Update

Happy Friday, Distance Learning Team!
We've had another great week of relationships and learning!  

Productive Struggle:
Linked is an article on "Productive Struggle is a Learner's Sweet Spot".   This article gives more background - and some examples - of what productive struggle looks like in a classroom.  As we have been learning, our students need to engage in productive struggle to truly grow, reflect, have cognitive conflict, and hit that "eureka moment".  

Also, if you haven't already, take some time to watch the video below on the "Learning Pit.  Well worth the watch -  this is something we will continue to explore.

Positive Recognition:
As you know, we all like to hear when things are going well.   We love to hear feedback and positive recognition - whether you are a child or an adult.  Don't forget about this as we work with our students.  We have the "High Five slips" to give to students virtually.   We also don't want to overlook the power of just a call home to thank/congratulate/appreciate a student.   If you have worked with me, you know this story - when I first started in this job, I called the mother of a student who had been struggling with behaviors.  I was calling all the time about negative behavior.  One day, the student had an amazing day and it hit me - why would I not call home on this, too?  I picked up the phone, called his mom, and eventually said, "Hello, are you there?".  There was a long silence and she responded, "Yes".  I could tell she was crying.   That moment changed me - and reminded me that we need to celebrate the positives, too.  

Schoolwide Assembly:
We will do our first schoolwide assembly on Monday, February 22nd from 1:30-2:00pm.  A link will be sent as we get closer (it will be a Youtube Live link).  Please don't forget to send me a class picture, as well as any talent that students have sent you.  Also, we will be drawing some High Five slips live, so get those in, too!  

Upcoming Events:
February 15 - PLCs, 2:30-3:30pm
February 16 - Family-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3-7pm;  dinner provided by McKinley PTO for those who signed up! 
February 18 - Family-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3-7pm
February 19 - NO SCHOOL: Family-Teacher Conferences, 7:40-12:00pm
February 22 - Distance Learning All School Assembly, 1:30pm
February 23 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm 
February 24 - Lockdown Practice (1:00pm) - you do not need to participate

Have a great Valentine's weekend - stay warm!

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