Friday, January 29, 2021

January 29 Update

Happy Friday!
I hope you've had a great week of learning and relationships with our students!  

First-Person Language: 
Karen Thurnau shared a video that her daughter made to share about person-first language (thanks Karen and Annie!).  We talked yesterday about how when we put the person first in our language, we can see their identity as a person and not a label.  Specifically, yesterday we talked about services received.  For example, you would say a student who receives EL services.  This is also true when we talk about where a student is at in their learning.  Instead of saying, this is a "low student," try saying, this is a "student that is working on ____". When we talk about kids as kids first, that is going to affect our belief in them, which will affect our expectations for them, which affects what they will achieve.  Let's continue to hold each other accountable for shaping this language.  

Upcoming Events:
February 1 - Black History Month begins!
February 1- PLCs, 2:30pm
February 3-  Staff COVID testing available
February 5 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
February 9 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm
February 12 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am

Have a great weekend!

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