Friday, February 19, 2021

February 19 Update

Happy Friday!
I hope you had a great week of learning and conferences!  I know this can be a long week, but it's a great way to connect with families and celebrate all the learning that has happened this year!  

Remember Your Why!  

If you find yourself having one of those "yuck" or "what am I doing? days, take some time and think back to your why - this will guide you!  

MCA Testing - Online:
We do have to offer MCA testing for our distance learners - in person (there is no virtual option).  We will be sending a letter to families in the next week to explain this.  Students will have an assigned day and time to report to the Melanie Nelson Learning Zone (Vine Street) to do their testing.  The teacher(s) will be there to help monitor this testing.  We will be offering busing and lunch to students on this date/time.  Again, more information to come.  We are meeting on March 4 (2-2:45pm) with 3-5th grade teachers to discuss testing.  

International Fun Day at Work (rescheduled): 
We are excited to announce our rescheduled 2021 International Fun Day at Work!  Below are some documents regarding this fun day.  Start brainstorming your dress and team!  :)
International Fun Day at Work Document
Order Form (Evan's Eatery Food Truck)

Upcoming Events:
February 22 - Distance Learning All School Assembly, 1:30pm
February 23 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm 
February 24 - Lockdown Practice (1:00pm) - you do not need to participate
February 25 - Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade Concerns Meeting with Ann (Justin at U of MN)
February 26 - 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Concerns Agenda with Ann (Justin at U of MN)
February 26 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
March 1 - Professional Learning Community, 2:35pm
March 4 - MCA Test Monitor Training (3-5th Grade), 2-2:45pm
March 5 - Child Collaboration Team Meeting, 7:25am

Have a great weekend!

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