Friday, February 26, 2021

February 26 Update

Happy Friday! 

Exhausted Educator:
Let's face it, we know February is a hard time for educators.  And, people in general.  And, this year, we top February off with a pandemic.  I can feel the vibe - people, including myself, are exhausted.  

Please remember - it's alright to acknowledge you are exhausted.  It's also alright to take some time for you.  Go on a walk, do something you enjoy, call a friend who makes you laugh.  Heck, you might even do this mid-day!   

Also, read the quote below.  You are making a difference.  Our students feel a connection, care, and love.  And, that connection, care, and love can be for your colleagues, too.  We can find ourselves lost in the "to do list" and forget that we are making a difference - EVERY SINGLE DAY.  

They're Too Young to Talk About Race:
A huge thank you to Danielle Nystrom (Special Ed Teacher at McKinley) for sharing the image below...

As educators, we find ourselves in the trap of "They are too young to talk about race..." or "It's elementary, we teach love and don't see skin color."  This silence actually perpetuates racism.  We continue to send the message that race/skin color is something that should be silent and is not discussed.  I challenge you to monitor this over the next week - how many times could a conversation lead into race that you avoid (for whatever reason).   When this happens, do some self-reflection - why did you not facilitate the conversation?  

International Fun Day at Work (rescheduled): 
We are excited to announce our rescheduled 2021 International Fun Day at Work!  Below are some documents regarding this fun day.  Start brainstorming your dress and team!  :)
International Fun Day at Work Document
Order Form (Evan's Eatery Food Truck)

Upcoming Events:
March 1 - Professional Learning Community, 2:35pm
March 3- Staff COVID Testing
March 4 - MCA Test Monitor Training (3-5th Grade), 2-2:45pm (VIRTUAL)
March 5 - Child Collaboration Team Meeting, 7:25am
March 5 - 5th Grade Concerns Meeting, 12:10pm (rescheduled)
March 9 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm
March 10 - Happy Birthday, Steph Stolp!
March 12 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
March 15 - Happy Birthday, Annette Warner!
March 15 - PLCs, 2:35pm
March 17 - Staff COVID testing
March 18 - International Fun Day at Work (rescheduled) - start thinking of your outfit(s)! 
March 18 - End of 3rd Quarter
March 19 - NO SCHOOL (Teacher Workday)
March 22- 26 NO SCHOOL/Spring Break! 

Friday, February 19, 2021

February 19 Update

Happy Friday!
I hope you had a great week of learning and conferences!  I know this can be a long week, but it's a great way to connect with families and celebrate all the learning that has happened this year!  

Remember Your Why!  

If you find yourself having one of those "yuck" or "what am I doing? days, take some time and think back to your why - this will guide you!  

MCA Testing - Online:
We do have to offer MCA testing for our distance learners - in person (there is no virtual option).  We will be sending a letter to families in the next week to explain this.  Students will have an assigned day and time to report to the Melanie Nelson Learning Zone (Vine Street) to do their testing.  The teacher(s) will be there to help monitor this testing.  We will be offering busing and lunch to students on this date/time.  Again, more information to come.  We are meeting on March 4 (2-2:45pm) with 3-5th grade teachers to discuss testing.  

International Fun Day at Work (rescheduled): 
We are excited to announce our rescheduled 2021 International Fun Day at Work!  Below are some documents regarding this fun day.  Start brainstorming your dress and team!  :)
International Fun Day at Work Document
Order Form (Evan's Eatery Food Truck)

Upcoming Events:
February 22 - Distance Learning All School Assembly, 1:30pm
February 23 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm 
February 24 - Lockdown Practice (1:00pm) - you do not need to participate
February 25 - Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade Concerns Meeting with Ann (Justin at U of MN)
February 26 - 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Concerns Agenda with Ann (Justin at U of MN)
February 26 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
March 1 - Professional Learning Community, 2:35pm
March 4 - MCA Test Monitor Training (3-5th Grade), 2-2:45pm
March 5 - Child Collaboration Team Meeting, 7:25am

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 12, 2021

February 12 Update

Happy Friday, Distance Learning Team!
We've had another great week of relationships and learning!  

Productive Struggle:
Linked is an article on "Productive Struggle is a Learner's Sweet Spot".   This article gives more background - and some examples - of what productive struggle looks like in a classroom.  As we have been learning, our students need to engage in productive struggle to truly grow, reflect, have cognitive conflict, and hit that "eureka moment".  

Also, if you haven't already, take some time to watch the video below on the "Learning Pit.  Well worth the watch -  this is something we will continue to explore.

Positive Recognition:
As you know, we all like to hear when things are going well.   We love to hear feedback and positive recognition - whether you are a child or an adult.  Don't forget about this as we work with our students.  We have the "High Five slips" to give to students virtually.   We also don't want to overlook the power of just a call home to thank/congratulate/appreciate a student.   If you have worked with me, you know this story - when I first started in this job, I called the mother of a student who had been struggling with behaviors.  I was calling all the time about negative behavior.  One day, the student had an amazing day and it hit me - why would I not call home on this, too?  I picked up the phone, called his mom, and eventually said, "Hello, are you there?".  There was a long silence and she responded, "Yes".  I could tell she was crying.   That moment changed me - and reminded me that we need to celebrate the positives, too.  

Schoolwide Assembly:
We will do our first schoolwide assembly on Monday, February 22nd from 1:30-2:00pm.  A link will be sent as we get closer (it will be a Youtube Live link).  Please don't forget to send me a class picture, as well as any talent that students have sent you.  Also, we will be drawing some High Five slips live, so get those in, too!  

Upcoming Events:
February 15 - PLCs, 2:30-3:30pm
February 16 - Family-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3-7pm;  dinner provided by McKinley PTO for those who signed up! 
February 18 - Family-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3-7pm
February 19 - NO SCHOOL: Family-Teacher Conferences, 7:40-12:00pm
February 22 - Distance Learning All School Assembly, 1:30pm
February 23 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm 
February 24 - Lockdown Practice (1:00pm) - you do not need to participate

Have a great Valentine's weekend - stay warm!

Friday, February 5, 2021

February 5 Update

Happy Friday, Distance Learning Team!

Stop what you are doing and read this picture below.   After you are done, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are ENOUGH.  In life (and this work) we can get caught up on everything we aren't doing.  Take a few minutes this morning to reflect and celebrate that you are enough and are appreciated!  

We have family-teacher conferences coming soon (note it's "family" and not "parent" - many of our families live with a non-parent who supports their learning).  With conferences coming, take some time at your team to discuss your format for conferences.  As you do this, think about what information, message, or mindset you would want if you were in the seat of a family member.  We can often spend time discussing the report card- but does this tell us enough?  Does this tell us about the student as a person?  Does this tell us about any goal setting you have done?  Student strengths?  

I challenge you to think through this process and challenge yourself.  Think about the last time you were at the doctor - were you more engaged and respected when the doctor listened to you?  Talked to you as a human?  Or, when they just read your chart to you?  Family-Teacher conferences are another great opportunity to build meaningful partnerships.  

Staffing for 21-22:
I've had some questions come up regarding staffing for next year.  The plan is to return you to your original site and position.  We know that each year, staffing is considered and this is not a 100% guarantee.   Like I said, we want to return people to their original positions - however, just like any other year, there is a small chance your assignment could change.   If you want your voice in this process, you can complete a letter for Chris Picha and your home principal requesting your position/assignment for next year.   If you have questions or want more information, come down and talk to me.  

Upcoming Events:
February 9 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm
February 12 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
February 15 - PLCs, 2:30-3:30pm
February 16 - Family-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3-7pm;  dinner provided by McKinley PTO for those who signed up! 
February 18 - Family-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3-7pm
February 19 - NO SCHOOL: Family-Teacher Conferences, 7:40-12:00pm

Have a great weekend - stay warm!

May 28 Update

Happy May 28! This is our last post for this blog....  What a crazy, yet fun year!  Think back to August when we were all thinking "wha...