Friday, September 18, 2020

September 18 Update

Happy Friday, Distance Learning!  
I hope you've had a great week of learning with your students! 

Student-First Language:
Have you ever heard people say that your words and beliefs become our actions?  Well, it's true.  There is research to support that the way a teacher talks about a student becomes the belief they have of that student.  And, as we know, your beliefs are translated to action as an educator.  One of my favorite quotes is below - something I live by each and every day.  
You may think - "oh, it's just words".  Well, you are right and wrong.  It is words.  However, those words program your brain to think a certain way - and start to act in a certain way.  I'm going to challenge each of you to watch the words you use over the next week, particularly when describing students.  I'm going to challenge you to use student-first language.  Instead of saying "EL Student", or "Special Education Student" or "low student", think about the student first.  It's a "student who receives EL services" or a "student who is on IEP" or a "student who is struggling with a concept".  If we believe every one of our scholars is a student-first, the services or labels come second.  This alone wires you brain to see them as a student which raises the expectations for our learners.  

I challenge you - watch the words you are using this week.  If you use "student first", you start to see each of our learners as a student, with the services second.  This thinking will ultimately become your beliefs which become your actions!  

Fun Virtual Games & Activities:
I found this on Twitter last week.  There are some fun games and activities for morning meetings or transitions.  Use if you'd like (click pic to enlarge)! 

Student Engagement:
As we know, students need to find relevance in their learning.  This can often times be a big challenge when instruction is done virtually.  We want learning to engage students from the minute they begin.  Please remember the Teaching and Learning Coaches are available to help you with this.  Engagement requires a lot of planning and preparation!

If you have students you are struggling with to engage, let us know.  I'm hoping that my visit to morning meetings will help remind students that this IS school and that there are grades.  However, we are here to help you if a student is not completing learning activities or not engaging in the live sessions.  Let us know!  

We give and give all day long.  Often times, our battery light is flashing by the end of the day.   Please don't forget to take care of you!  Please monitor and respond to your own needs  - you can't pour from an empty cup!  If you are looking for ideas, here's a great graphic..

Upcoming Events:
9/21-9/28 - Justin is joining morning meetings (sign up!)
9/21- Grading and Assessment Discussion (2-2:40pm, virtual)
9/21 - PLCs 
9/22- DL Collaboration, 12:00pm
9/23 - Common Planning for Kdg, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Grade
9/24 - Common Planning for 4th Grade
9/24 - DL Collaboration, 12:00pm
9/25 - Child Collaboration Team (CCT) Meeting, 7:25am
9/29 - Distance Learning Staff Meeting, 2:30pm

October 1 - Guided Groups begin!  

I hope you have a great, relaxing weekend! Do something to take care of YOU! 
-Justin and Ann

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