Friday, September 25, 2020

September 25 Update

Happy Friday, Distance Learning Teachers!
I hope you had another great week of learning and relationships!   It's been great to see the routines and relationships continue to strengthen...

Google Meets - Virtual Whiteboard:
Below is a tweet from our Technology Department regarding a virtual whiteboard that is built into Google Meet.  If you need assistance with this, feel free to connect with Brent or Libby.  Also, if you aren't on Twitter yet, now is your time!  Twitter is an amazing spot to learn new ideas, share resources, and collaborate. It's free- join today! 

Please don't forget about the power of your mindset.  I recently came across the below quote - "deficit mindset is like an oil spill - it coats every organism, it obscures beauty, it does great harm to the environment, and it's tedious to clean up."  Please remember this as we enter into the 20-21 school year.  If your mindset looks for deficits, you will find it.  But, your thinking also impacts the environment and "beauty" of McKinley.   You are responsible for the mindset you bring to McKinley each day!  :)

Student Concerns:
Thank you for your flexibility as we teach and support students (and families) on distance learning.  Our big rock was getting families on during live times; this has become more routine.  We are now moving into supporting those students who are having issues - engagement, not joining all live sessions, and those not doing independent work.   Based on our meeting yesterday, we are asking you to complete the spreadsheet with those students you are most concerned about.  Next week, Ann and I will be meeting to go through the students and develop plans.  

Making Phone Calls: 
Thank you for your committment to making sure our students are present and engaged.  I know this is a new struggle - we appreciate you not giving up on these learners!

Just a friendly reminder to try another communication tool if families are unresponsive to email.  If you email and a family doesn't respond within 24-36 hours, please call home.  I know this isn't always something ideal; however, we really need regular communication with families (including phone calls).  If you have concerns, please use the Check and Connect time to establish a meeting with the family.  If you want Ann or I to attend, we'd be glad to.  

If you have called and a family is still not responsive, we will assist you.  However, Ann, Steph, Selena, or I should not be the first call home - unless it's a unique situation.  We do need you to call.  

Upcoming Events:
9/29 - Distance Learning Staff Meeting @ 2:30pm
9/30 - Justin out at meeting, 8:30-10:30am; Common planning times for K, 1, 2, 3, and 5th Grade
10/1 - Justin out all day at U of MN; 4th Grade common planning
10/1 - Distance Learning Picture Day (for those who have not taken pictures) @ 2:30-5:00pm at McKinley
10/2- Justin out all day at U of MN; Child Collaboration Team Meeting @ 7:25am

I hope you are able to relax and recharge this weekend - enjoy your weekend!

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