Friday, September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020 Update

Happy Friday! 
I hope you've had a great week building relationships and setting up your virtual classroom.  It's so fun to walk around as you are teaching and hear the excitement and energy!  

Setting Up a Consistent Work Room(s):
Below is a graphic from a teacher who uses the same links to meets/rooms for small group support.  Students know to navigate between, depending on the support they need.  Creative idea!  

How Can Families Help with Online Learning?
Another graphic I stole from Twitter - how families can help with online learning.  It's available in English and Spanish only.  Use if you'd like!  

If you aren't on Twitter, you should be.  I HIGHLY encourage you join and start to follow - even posting things, if you feel comfortable.  Twitter is a great way for educators to build learning networks - go join today!!! 

Staff Absences:
Below are some guidelines on staff absence(s):

If you need to go home during the day, please let Justin or Ann know.  We are going to first see if we can cover it internally or possibly cancel your live instruction (depending on the time of day).  

If you do not report to work (wake up sick, family emergency, can't report), you will put your absence into AESOP (with "NO SUB" clicked).  If you are able to, I would also love an email just saying you are gone.  We have specific distance learning subs that I will reach out to - once I know who that is, we will add them (or ask you to) your classroom for the day.  Please have sub plans created for the subs so they know the layout of your classroom, but also the plan for the day.   Just posting into Google Classroom won't be enough.  They need a plan for the day.  

If you have a planned absence, let Steph know.  She will contact Cheryl Summer to secure a distance learning sub.  

If you have questions about being gone, let us know!  

Upcoming Dates:
9/14 - School Board Work Session, 5:30pm
9/16 - Year 1 Forum/All Mentor Meeting, 3:15pm
9/17 - Justin out at meeting, 3:15-4:15pm
9/18 - CCT Meeting, 7:15am (Child Collaboration Team) 
9/21 - PLCs, 2:40pm
9/23 - Staff Mindfulness Activity in art room, 2:45pm
9/25 - CCT Meeting, 7:15am

I hope you had a great first week of school!  It's great to have kids back into our virtual classrooms!

Justin & Ann

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