Thursday, September 3, 2020

Principal's Update - September 3, 2020

Welcome to our Distance Learning Staff Blog! 
The purpose of this blog is to update you on what is going on in the building, as well as the Distance Learning Program.  I will send out a link on Friday mornings when the blog is updated - so watch for this on Friday mornings!   The purpose of the blog is for general information, but also informal professional learning and sharing of resources.  

We appreciate you taking on this new adventure with us.  We know this is something that has completely re-arranged many of your lives - different teaching, sitting all day, etc.   We want you to take care of YOU, too.  Make sure you pick times during your day to get up, walk around, stretch, etc.  Don't forget to take care of YOU!  

Google Classroom - "From the Distance Learning Office"
I have added a topic under each of your classrooms called "From the Distance Learning Office".  This will be a spot we post general information.  Today, I posted directions on ordering lunch.  Watch that area regularly for updated information!  

With us transitioning to distance learning, our attendance processes had to be changed.  I have been working with Meghan Jewison & Kenneth Griswold on how exactly this process will look.  Meghan worked to create a process so we can use Infinite Campus without having to switch between four schools.  So, a change of plans (that's my new phrase for the year) - we will be using Campus for attendance.

We will meet the first week to go through the details of attendance.  Below are some basic guidelines to help you until we meet:
  • Attendance will be taken after learning blocks (twice a day).  You will want to keep track of who you have "seen" in your classroom in the morning, as well as the afternoon.  
  • You will go into Campus and click "A" or "P" - absent or present.  
  • We have to distinguish showing up for class and the engagement.  If a student is present, they should be marked P.  If they are showing up and not doing anything, or showing up for a short period of time, we need to figure out the why and how to support the student.  This will be a work in progress as we navigate this process. 
  • Ann and I are here to help you process individual students and their attendance.  We will check in - feel free to ask us about situations and how we should proceed.  We will learn together! 

Child Collaboration Team: 
This summer, the elementary buildings came together to create one unified process on our child study and/or Problem Solving Teams.  The elementary team moved away from the word "problem" to "Child Collaboration Team".  This team is an assistance team if a student is struggling with academics, behavior, engagement, and/or other needs.  Basically, if you have exhausted your options and still need help, you would complete a form to meet with this team.  This is NOT the gatekeeper for Special Education.  This team is open and available for ANY student who has needs - not just those who are in need of special education services.  More information will be shared on the form.  Below is the process outlined, which follows the other elementary schools.  Our contact at Distance Learning for this team is Libby Zeman.  

Leaving the Building:
If you leave the building during the day, you need to check out in the workroom.  There is a sign in/sign out sheet.  This starts Tuesday, September 8.  If we have a lockdown or emergency, we need to know where staff members are.  Please check in and out there if you leave the building during the day!  

Beginner's Guide to Shifting Toward Online and Distance Learning:
Joanne Harmsen recently shared this online book with me - it's a great quick read on how to shift instruction to online.  Check it out!

Upcoming Events:
9/8- First Day of School (Morning Meetings start at 8:05am)
9/11 - McKinley has a fire drill at 8:45 
9/15 - Staff Meeting, 2:40pm 
9/18 - Child Collaboration Team Meeting, 7:25am

Don't forget, EVERY interaction that we have is either a culture BUILDER or a culture KILLER.  Which do you to do?  

I hope you have a great, relaxing weekend - go enjoy that last weekend of summer!

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