Wednesday, October 14, 2020

October 14 Update

Good morning!  Happy "Friday"! 
We made it!  The blog this week is pretty short - but has some important things in it.  

Self Care - This Long Weekend:
It's been a great start to the school year  - it thrills me to see you and our scholars together and learning!  This start has also created more stress and emotion than any other year.  We don't want to end up saying this...

Please take some time over this long weekend to take care of YOU!  Sleep in, don't get out of your pajamas, have lunch with a friend... anything that takes care of YOU!  Don't set any expectations for the day - just roll with it!  

I care about you and your health.  Please take some time this weekend to relax, rejuvenate, and refresh yourself.  You deserve every minute of it!  

Upcoming Events:
Oct 19 - PLC's, 2:40pm
Oct 20 - DL Collaboration Meeting, 12:00pm
Oct 21 - Common Planning for K, 1, 2, 3, and 5th Grade
Oct 21 - District Flu Shot Clinic, OHS from 3-6pm
Oct 22 - Common Planning for 4th Grade
Oct 22 - District Flu Shot Clinic, OMS from 3:15-6:15pm
Oct 23 - CCT Meeting, 7:25am
Oct 26 - School Board Meeting, 5:30pm
Oct 27 - Staff Meeting in Learning Studio, 2:30-3:30pm
Oct 28 - Lockdown Practice, 10:00am (please note this is during a learning block!)
Oct 30 - PLC Goals are due!  
Nov 2- PLCs, 2:40pm
Nov 5- End of 1st Quarter (remember, this is not a grading period)
Nov 6 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday 

I'm honored to be on this journey with you - creating new educational programming for our learners.  We work hard, we play hard, we have fun.  Now is the time to turn school off and focus on you and your family.  I hope you can enjoy some time for just YOU!  You deserve it.


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