Friday, October 9, 2020

Friday, October 9 Update

 Happy Friday!! 

I know we have those days - days we are exhausted and have nothing left to give.  Keep this and remind yourself - you made someone smile and feel loved.  This hasn't been the easiest start to a year, has it?  One thing remains constant - we have our students WITH US and they are loved.  And, that matters a lot.  

Just a friendly (and frustrated) reminder to fully read your emails and honor deadlines.  I feel we do a great job of communicating and over communicating.  We need you to follow through with fully reading emails and meeting deadlines.  I am having to go back in and check things and re-send information.  We have to fully read emails and get deadlines set in our calendars.   

Teacher Clarity

“Do your students know what they are supposed to be learning? Or do they see the class as a list of things to do? There is a big difference between these two. When students know what they are expected to learn, they are more likely to learn it.”

These sentences have caught my attention in The Distance Learning Playbook multiple times. When I think of things I’ve embedded into PD in Google Classroom in the past or used with students online, I feel a pang of guilt thinking about the “list of things to do” part...guilty! :s What a great reminder that when students know their end goal, their focus and understanding gain depth as they move through connected practice. 

Check out this brief reminder for teachers and a connection for families around clarity from The Distance Learning Playbook and The Distance Learning Playbook for Parents!

Social Media:
Below are some tips and guidelines around using social media with students.  If you are not using social media, now is the time.  Make an account for your class and share the great things you are doing - and our story!  If you aren't, now is the time.  I find Twitter to be a great way to reach families.  Also, don't forget to be sending pictures to  

Attendance Update:
Just a reminder - we are taking attendance once during the day (still the plan as of now).  If you have a student who is leaving live sessions early (or showing up late), please share that information with Selena. She will code this appropriately in Campus (so we know they left at a certain time).  Again, we don't need to watch every minute.  But, if you have students who are chronically missing - or missing significant amounts of your instruction - please let her know.  We code this on our end.  

Google Tech Toolkit:
Kenneth Griswold recently shared a Google Tech Toolkit. This is a great document with family-friendly information regarding Google.  This may be something you consider sharing with your families, if you haven't already.  

Upcoming Events:
October 13 - Invite Only Conferences, 2:50-6:50pm
October 14 - Common Planning (K, 1, 2, 3, & 5th Grade)
October 15 & 16 - NO SCHOOL - Go RELAX! 
October 19 - Welcome Back!  PLCs, 2:40pm
October 20 - DL Collaboration, 12:00pm
October 21 - Common Planning (K, 1, 2, 3, & 5th Grade)
October 21 - District Flu Clinic, 3-6pm at OHS
October 22 - District Flu Clinic, 3:15-6:15pm at OMS
October 22- Common Planning (4th Grade)
October 23 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am

It's going to be a beautiful weekend!  Put the computer and resources away and get outside - enjoy those you LOVE!  Go recharge!   - Justin

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