Friday, October 30, 2020

October 30 Update

Happy Friday, everyone!  It sounds like it's going to be a nicer weekend -  I hope you can get outside!

We've got a lot going on - and I can tell emotions and stress are high in the building.  Please make sure you are taking some time for you, as well as checking on and supporting your colleagues.  We all go through situations differently - as the picture above outlines.  Take care of YOU! 

Coming your Way - Jokesgiving! (read this!)
On November 24, we will celebrate "Jokesgiving!"  This is a time for staff to have fun and engage with each other.  Each of you are on teams - check out this document for more information!   

Upcoming Events:
November 2- PLCs
November 3- Go Vote!
November 5- Happy Birthday, Sue Marquardt!  
November 5 - Staff Food Truck, 10:30-1:00pm
November 5- End of 1st Quarter
November 6 - No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
November 10 - Staff Meeting, 2:40pm
November 10 - Fire Drill, 9:30am
November 16 - PLCs
November 17 - Virtual Conferences, 3-7pm 
November 19 - Virtual Conferences, 3-7pm
November 20 - NO SCHOOL/Virtual Conferences, 7:40-12:00pm



Friday, October 23, 2020

October 23 Update

Good morning!
Ready or not, winter arrived this week!  
This quote is a great reminder for us all.   We often get bogged down on the negatives - our ever-growing to-do list, the lack of engagement from some students, COVID, etc.  We let those ideas drain our energy.  Over the next 24 hours, take some self-reflection time and focus on everything you've tackled - accomplished- and succeeded with over the last 3 months.  Your celebrations may range from huge things to much smaller self accomplishments.  Take the time to acknowledge all of these.  We have taken a situation that was impossible and made it work - and done well in the process.  Take some time to celebrate your strength and celebrations - and reflect back on how far you've come in only a month and a half of school! 

Staff Meeting Agenda

We are looking forward to collaborating as a distance learning team at our staff meeting next week.  Earlier this week, the staff meeting agenda was sent out.  Please be sure to come prepared to the meeting by:

  • Reading pages 102-111 in the Distance Learning Playbook.

  • Completing your Continuum of Engagement by making a copy and filling in your students where you feel they are the majority of the time.

  • Being prepared to share a formative assessment that you have used.

Jokesgiving - SAVE THE DATE!
Back by popular demand - our second annual "Jokesgiving 2020!" On Tuesday, November 24, you and your assigned team create fun jokes and pranks (work appropriate!). Please let me know by Tuesday if you are not interested. I promise it's a good time - nothing to stress about! Staff had a great time last year - we were silly and had fun all day long!

Upcoming Events:
10/26 - Red Ribbon Week
10/26 - School Board Meeting, 5:30pm
10/27 - Lockdown Practice, 10:00am
10/28 - Success Coaches are in a meeting, 8-12pm
10/28 - Common Planning for K, 1, 2, 3, and 5th Grade
10/29 - Common Planning for 4th Grade
10/29 - K, 1, and 2nd Grade Engagement Meetings (we will come to your room)
10/30 - 3, 4, and 5th Grade Engagement Meetings (we will come to your room)
10/30 - Child Collaboration Team (CCT), 7:25am
10/30 - PLC Goals need to be entered to Standards for Success
11/2 - Optional Tech PD with Kenneth, 12:00pm (virtual)
11/2 - PLCs, 2:40pm
11/3- Election Day - go Vote!
11/3 - DL Collaboration Time, 12:00pm
11/5 - End of 1st Quarter (reminder - no report card)
11/6 - No School - Teacher Workday
11/10 - Staff Meeting, 2:30pm in Learning Studio
11/10 - Fire Drill, 9:30am

I hope you have a relaxing, enjoyable weekend with those you love!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

October 14 Update

Good morning!  Happy "Friday"! 
We made it!  The blog this week is pretty short - but has some important things in it.  

Self Care - This Long Weekend:
It's been a great start to the school year  - it thrills me to see you and our scholars together and learning!  This start has also created more stress and emotion than any other year.  We don't want to end up saying this...

Please take some time over this long weekend to take care of YOU!  Sleep in, don't get out of your pajamas, have lunch with a friend... anything that takes care of YOU!  Don't set any expectations for the day - just roll with it!  

I care about you and your health.  Please take some time this weekend to relax, rejuvenate, and refresh yourself.  You deserve every minute of it!  

Upcoming Events:
Oct 19 - PLC's, 2:40pm
Oct 20 - DL Collaboration Meeting, 12:00pm
Oct 21 - Common Planning for K, 1, 2, 3, and 5th Grade
Oct 21 - District Flu Shot Clinic, OHS from 3-6pm
Oct 22 - Common Planning for 4th Grade
Oct 22 - District Flu Shot Clinic, OMS from 3:15-6:15pm
Oct 23 - CCT Meeting, 7:25am
Oct 26 - School Board Meeting, 5:30pm
Oct 27 - Staff Meeting in Learning Studio, 2:30-3:30pm
Oct 28 - Lockdown Practice, 10:00am (please note this is during a learning block!)
Oct 30 - PLC Goals are due!  
Nov 2- PLCs, 2:40pm
Nov 5- End of 1st Quarter (remember, this is not a grading period)
Nov 6 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday 

I'm honored to be on this journey with you - creating new educational programming for our learners.  We work hard, we play hard, we have fun.  Now is the time to turn school off and focus on you and your family.  I hope you can enjoy some time for just YOU!  You deserve it.


Friday, October 9, 2020

Friday, October 9 Update

 Happy Friday!! 

I know we have those days - days we are exhausted and have nothing left to give.  Keep this and remind yourself - you made someone smile and feel loved.  This hasn't been the easiest start to a year, has it?  One thing remains constant - we have our students WITH US and they are loved.  And, that matters a lot.  

Just a friendly (and frustrated) reminder to fully read your emails and honor deadlines.  I feel we do a great job of communicating and over communicating.  We need you to follow through with fully reading emails and meeting deadlines.  I am having to go back in and check things and re-send information.  We have to fully read emails and get deadlines set in our calendars.   

Teacher Clarity

“Do your students know what they are supposed to be learning? Or do they see the class as a list of things to do? There is a big difference between these two. When students know what they are expected to learn, they are more likely to learn it.”

These sentences have caught my attention in The Distance Learning Playbook multiple times. When I think of things I’ve embedded into PD in Google Classroom in the past or used with students online, I feel a pang of guilt thinking about the “list of things to do” part...guilty! :s What a great reminder that when students know their end goal, their focus and understanding gain depth as they move through connected practice. 

Check out this brief reminder for teachers and a connection for families around clarity from The Distance Learning Playbook and The Distance Learning Playbook for Parents!

Social Media:
Below are some tips and guidelines around using social media with students.  If you are not using social media, now is the time.  Make an account for your class and share the great things you are doing - and our story!  If you aren't, now is the time.  I find Twitter to be a great way to reach families.  Also, don't forget to be sending pictures to  

Attendance Update:
Just a reminder - we are taking attendance once during the day (still the plan as of now).  If you have a student who is leaving live sessions early (or showing up late), please share that information with Selena. She will code this appropriately in Campus (so we know they left at a certain time).  Again, we don't need to watch every minute.  But, if you have students who are chronically missing - or missing significant amounts of your instruction - please let her know.  We code this on our end.  

Google Tech Toolkit:
Kenneth Griswold recently shared a Google Tech Toolkit. This is a great document with family-friendly information regarding Google.  This may be something you consider sharing with your families, if you haven't already.  

Upcoming Events:
October 13 - Invite Only Conferences, 2:50-6:50pm
October 14 - Common Planning (K, 1, 2, 3, & 5th Grade)
October 15 & 16 - NO SCHOOL - Go RELAX! 
October 19 - Welcome Back!  PLCs, 2:40pm
October 20 - DL Collaboration, 12:00pm
October 21 - Common Planning (K, 1, 2, 3, & 5th Grade)
October 21 - District Flu Clinic, 3-6pm at OHS
October 22 - District Flu Clinic, 3:15-6:15pm at OMS
October 22- Common Planning (4th Grade)
October 23 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am

It's going to be a beautiful weekend!  Put the computer and resources away and get outside - enjoy those you LOVE!  Go recharge!   - Justin

Friday, October 2, 2020

October 2 Update

 Happy Friday, Educators!

We are four weeks in - it's time to check in on YOU!  Please complete the survey below.  It's designed around a 3-2-1 response.  Please include 3 responses for the 3 question, 2 responses for the 2 questions, and 1 response for the 1 question.  Please complete this by Wednesday, October 7.  Thank you! 

Thank you for the great learning work we had on Tuesday around formative assessment using Catlin Tucker's course (click for slides and notes).  As we know, this will be a great area of growth for us all - we are re-designing education!  Please continue to build in those checks for understanding and formative assessments - it's critical we know if and where students' learning is at.  If you need help with this, the coaches, Ann, or myself would love to help.

Just a reminder - we do not do a formal grading for quarter 1 (no report card).  We will grade in quarters 2, 3, and 4. 

Guest Blog - 
I found this on a principal's blog and thought I'd share....

Office Hours Reinvented

In the spring, we suddenly had the added schedule item of "office hours."  We tried to make ourselves available for our students and parents.  And now, this year, as we begin the year remote, our "office hours" can at times feel like they are taking over our lives.  I know I have spoken to some of you and you are making calls to parents late at night or you are answering tech questions and brainstorming over the phone throughout the day or you are up early responding to the never ending emails.  During this new way of teaching, our jobs can easily become 24/7.

But that is not sustainable.  That is certainly not an expectation, being available at every hour of the day.  And it has the potential to very quickly burn us all out.  

So I propose a new requirement.  I am calling this new expectation "family hours."  I expect that we all set aside some time each day designated to "family hours."  During this part of our schedule, we cannot answer emails, we cannot call parents, we cannot plan lessons.  This is a time to do something for yourself unrelated to work.  This is a time to spend with your family.  This is a time for you to fill your emotional cup back up.  

I need to be the example.  I need to model "family hours" for all of you.  I recognize that I will have a mental breakdown if I continue to physically leave work, but mentally keep bringing it home with me.  I plan on scheduling this time on my calendar so that I have a visual reminder to focus on self care every single day.  I am thinking I may even add it to my email signature so everyone knows.  I propose that you all do the same thing.  Give yourself the time.  I need you and our students need you this whole year, through the good, the bad and the ugly.  Set some limits.  Do not work 24/7.  Schedule in "family hours."  

You are the best staff around.  I expect the best and want the best.  You don't want or deserve what's left of me.  So I don't want what's left of you.  Time to reinvent our office hours.  Family hours.  Pencil it in.  Schedule it into Google calendar.  Turn off your notifications.  Take care of you.

Hashtags & Twitter:
First, if you are still not on Twitter, now is the time!  Not only is it a great way to share what you are doing, but it's an amazing professional development for educators.  I learn something new every time I log on!  If you tweet with something you are doing, please use the following hashtags:  

#761distancelearning - to share things specific to our program.  
#owatonnaproud - to share things, district-wide, you are proud of.  Our social media company watches this hashtag and uses it for retweets and marketing.  

If you do tweet, please make sure you are not showing students' last names.  

Paper Copies:
Please watch the amount of paper copies you are making - at the copy machine and sending to Offset.  With us being distance learning, there should not be large quantities of copies being made or sent away.  When we end up doing a material pick up (more info coming soon), we will need to possibly send things home.  

Upcoming Events: 
Make sure you add the Distance Learning Calendar - this will be updated with events! 
October 7- Lockdown Practice, 8:45am (know where you should go if a lockdown happens)
October 8 - Fire Drill, 12:30pm
October 9 - CCT Meeting, 7:25am
October 12- School Board Work Session, 5:30pm
October 13 - Save for Invite-Only Conferences
October 15 & 16- MEA Break, NO SCHOOL
October 19- PLCs, 2:40pm
October 21 & 22 - District Flu Clinic for staff

I hope you have a great weekend - go do something for YOU!

May 28 Update

Happy May 28! This is our last post for this blog....  What a crazy, yet fun year!  Think back to August when we were all thinking "wha...