Friday, May 14, 2021

May 14 Update

Happy Friday, Distance Learning!
I think the picture says it all.... haha!
In all honesty, just a reminder to finish strong.   Our students only get their school year once - and many will be sad to see you (and their safe place) go away on June 4.  Let's remember to finish strong and stay focused on our scholars....

Teacher of the Year:
A huge congratulations to our 2021 Teacher of the Year, Mark Langlois.  Mark is a student-focused educator who is an expert at building community and making learning engaging.  Mark is also a wonderful colleague and leader at McKinley.  We are proud of you, Mark!  

Wilson Support:
Starting Monday, I will be helping support Wilson School as we close out the school year.  Please know that nothing changes here at McKinley because of this.  If you need me, you can still connect with me (or email me).  If you have discipline needs, please reach out to Steph or Selena.  We have Ann Mikkalson (Teaching and Learning Coordinator) and Justin Lang to assist.  This WILL be a great ending to a crazy year!  

Just a couple of end of the year reminders:
  • Senior Walkthrough is June 2 at 9:10.  We will be outside in the drop off/pick up lane and they will walk through (if it rains, we will move inside).  
  • 5th Grade Graduation (virtual) is Wednesday, June 2 at 1:00pm.  Please plan on watching from your classroom to support our learners. 
  • End of the Year Drive Through is Tuesday, June 1 from 6-7pm.  If you are available, please join us.  This was a hit last year - many families (and staff!) felt like this was a great way to end the year.  This is for DL families only.  
  • End of Year Activities (June 4) - a team is working on these activities and will share what our last day activities will look like.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great, relaxing weekend!

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