Friday, April 16, 2021

April 16 Update

Happy Friday!

I am starting to see an increase in staff absences.  I understand things come up and you need to take time off.  However, please be on top of those planned absences that you know about.  I'm seeing those appear into AESOP a day before.  Please plan ahead for those absences.  Thank you! 

Last Day Countdown:
As we close out the year, please be aware of the "last day countdown" with students.  I understand students - and you - can be excited for the end of the year.  However, this isn't the case for all learners.  Some are fearful of losing the consistency, safety, and relationships of school.  Also, the countdown sends the message that we have to "serve" the time before summer.  I'm asking you not to engage in this, but instead focus on the instructional time we do have together.  

COVID Numbers - McKinley: 
I have heard from a few of you in regards to the COVID % at McKinley.  Please know that we are doing everything we can to help with social distancing and mitigating COVID.  You are doing great work - please keep this up!  The percentage is a weekly percentage (that can drastically change) that includes those who are positive, but also those at home with symptoms or those in quarantine for a close contact.  This week alone, we had many students who were home (getting tested) for symptoms that were similar to allergies.  To be preventative, we are asking those families to get tested.  Those numbers can skew our data.  Also, please know that we had reached almost 18% before we moved to distance learning.   We are in a great place  - because you are doing great things to help keep McKinley safe.  

Upcoming Events:
April 19 - Professional Learning Communities, 2:35pm
April 21 - Admin Professionals Day (Thank you Steph and Selena!)
April 23 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
April 27 - Staff Meeting, 2:35pm
May 3- Professional Learning Communities, 2:35pm
May 7 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am

Have a GREAT weekend!

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