Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 1 Update

Happy "Friday"! And, happy April!  

The "Depth" of Positive Relationships:
This is an area teachers are always proud of - we build relationships with students.  I think teachers are naturals at getting to know (and love) students.  

Linked is an article on building relationships and what brain science says.  I know, I lost you when I said "brain science".  This article is written in a very practitioner-friendly way - very easy to read. 

Here's my challenge for you - to read the article and truly reflect on the depth of relationship(s) and the ways you build these relationships.  The more I am reading around this area (and work at the U of MN), the more I am realizing the different levels of relationships.  We can do morning meetings and have smiles, high fives, and happiness in a classroom.  And, those things are great!  When you look at the "depth", is that a deep connection? Or, are students truly feeling safe (especially intellectually safe), valued, and feeling they can question/comment/provide feedback honestly?  That's a whole new level of relationship.  Take some time to read the below article and think on relationships in your classroom.....

Virtual Engagement Isn't Impossible:

Upcoming Events:
April 2- NO SCHOOL! 
April 5 - Lockdown Practice - 1:00pm (you do not need to participate)
April 5 - DL MCA Testing Discussion, 2:00pm (rescheduled)
April 5 - PLCs, 2:30pm
April 8 & 9 - Justin out at Principal's Academy
April 9 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
April 12 - Reading MCAs - 3rd Grade (AM) and 5th Grade (PM)
April 13 - Reading MCAs - 3rd Grade (AM and 5th Grade (PM)
April 13 - Staff Meeting, 2:30pm
April 15 - Reading MCAs - 4th Grade (AM) 
April 16 - Reading MCAs - 4th Grade (AM)
April 16 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
April 19 - PLCs, 2:30pm

Have a great weekend - it's going to be BEAUTIFUL out! 

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