Friday, January 15, 2021

Jan 15 Update

Happy Snow Day Distance Learning Day!
Flexibility is really the name of this game - isn't it?   I hope you bundled in and ready for an exciting day!

Just a reminder - Monday is our MLK/Professional Learning Day.  Please make sure you know your schedule for the day. 

I thought you'd appreciate the humor below...

February Conferences:
February conferences are virtual.  Steph and Selena are working to set this up - we will let you know when PTCFast goes live.  More to come! 

Reading - The Pandemic Has Revealed What Really Matters in Education:
Below is a link to an article - it's a great read about the positive things that this pandemic has helped remind us about education.  Take some time to read through it - we will be doing some follow-up work around this in the near future!

Staff Absences:
Please remember the following regarding staff absences:

Unexpected emergency or sick overnight (and you can't teach) - Please put the absence into AESOP (with no sub required) and email Justin.  We will check to see if our interns are available; if they are not, we will look for coverage.  

Planned Absence - we are recording lessons and posting work into Google Classroom.  Put your absence into AESOP with no sub required.

As always, feel free to reach out if you plan to be gone - I can walk you through what needs to happen.  

Upcoming Events:
January 15 - End of 2nd Quarter
January 17 - Happy Birthday Julie Bauer! 
January 18 - NO SCHOOL (PD Day); Martin Luther King, Jr Day
January 19 - NO SCHOOL (Teacher Workday)
January 20 - Happy Birthday, Kim Lauwers!
January 20 - Grading Window closes at 8am
January 21 - Report cards will be mailed home (we may need help with this)
January 22 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am

Have a great weekend! 


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