Friday, December 11, 2020

December 11 Update

 Happy Friday, McKinley!

I hope you've had another great week of learning and relationships! 

A huge thank you to Steph and Selena for doing the material pick up on Wednesday.  We handed out materials for both McKinley and Distance Learners - over 600 items.  A huge thank you for doing this!  

Child Collaboration Team (CCT):
Just a reminder - if there is a student you are struggling with to support, please refer them to the CCT team.  This team is available for ideas, strategies, and support.  This IS NOT THE GATEKEEPER FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION.  You do not need to come with any data - you come with your concerns and we will offer support.  This is for any reasons - social emotional, academics, lack of growth, lack of engagement, etc.  Please complete the form and Libby Zeman will schedule a time with you and the team! 

Reporting COVID Symptoms:
If you have COVID or are a close contact, please continue to report this to Judy.  This is for both a positive test as well as if you are a close contact.  Please, please, please remember to report this - even as you are teaching virtually.  

Transition Day - Jan 4:
We are working on some activities for a January 4 Virtual Transition Day.  More information will come out on this.  Just a reminder - these days are to help get us back into the routines and relationships of school!  

Upcoming Events:
December 14 - Optional PD with Kenneth
December 15 - SeeSaw Question and Answer with Kacie Clauson, 2:30pm
December 18 - Child Collaboration Team, 7:25am
December 21- Optional PD with Kenneth
December 21 - PLCs, 2:40pm
December 22 - DL Collaboration, 12:00pm
December 24 - January 3- Winter Break (get away from your computer!)
January 4 - Welcome Back/Transition Day!
January 4- PLCs, 2:40pm

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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